The Biofabricators: Algix

The Biofabricators: Algix

Ahead of this year’s Biofabricate summit, we catch up with Algix – pioneers in turning algae blooms into plastic-free alternatives that biodegrade.

The Biofabricators: Mobius

The Biofabricators: Mobius

We catch up with Jeff Beegle of Mobius to find out more about how natural materials and polymers can combine to create plastic alternatives.

The Biofabricators: Ecovative

The Biofabricators: Ecovative

Plastic, your time is up. We reached out to Ecovative to learn more about their pioneering work with one of nature’s most incredible builders: fungi.

The Biofabricators: AlgiKnit

The Biofabricators: AlgiKnit

Inspiration from the deep. We catch up with AlgiKnit to learn how they’re transforming sustainable kelp into biodegradable yarn.



We’re partnering with Biofabricate to bring together the world’s leading bio-designers. The goal? Kickstarting the next industrial revolution.

Parsons x Parley

Parsons x Parley

On April 19, 2016, Parsons x Parley launched with a Parley Talks session hosted by Cyrill Gutsch, Parley Founder, and Joel Towers, Executive Dean, Parsons the New School for Design. Speakers explored the roles of fashion, art, film, science, and design in reshaping the current reality of our oceans and the future of life on this blue planet.