The strength of a movement, any movement, lies in diversity

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It’s going to take all of us working together to chart a new path forward. But first we need to listen, learn and look deep inside ourselves. The environmental movement is futile if it ignores issues of social justice. We need systemic change. And we need to do the work to create it. Stop racism. Speak out. Stand up for justice. We cannot protect the future unless we love, respect and protect each other first.

Parley stands in solidarity with those fighting for justice and against structural racism, police brutality, discrimination and oppression. As an environmental organization and global network of individuals working to create change, we have a responsibility to participate and speak out on matters of social justice. It’s also our duty to know when to hold back and listen.

We are using this time educate ourselves, ask the tough questions, and explore ways we can be better allies for change. Below are some of the resources we’re referencing to guide us through the work.




We found this extensive list of ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement helpful. It contains links to places you can donate, petitions you can sign and numbers you can call, updated daily.



Additional Resources on Anti-racism



Additional Resources on Intersectional Environmentalism







Register, research and vote the change into the system.